Concurrently, they will engage in telling stories of personal significance and learning public speaking skills with a Speaking Coach.
During these sessions, participants will also develop the ability to tell stories and give positive feedback to themselves and others.
Participants will learn how to use technology to communicate and record their progress.
The program culminates with all participants telling a personal story which is recorded for their use and to share with family, friends and the community.
Written Stories coming soon…
Project Highlights
Optional Monthly Social Activity planned by Surrey SHARES Alumni Volunteers
Opportunity to become a ‘Published Author’ in our Surrey SHARES Anthology
Please view the ‘Get in Touch’ with us section below to learn about the current program schedule
What our seniors are saying
“It was and incredible opportunity delve into untested waters. The coaching got me started on a life dump and refocus on what I do. I referred to my notes often over the past 8 weeks while battling with COVID. As soon as I was able I followed through with my intentions – my wife was speechless to say the least. I had a ton of fun working on my story. But discovered that I have a lot to learn about actually telling the story. So room to grow there for which I am grateful. I had a ton of fun working on my story. But discovered that I have a lot to learn about actually telling the story. So room to grow there for which I am grateful.”
“I applied for Surrey Shares for the free life coaching. I was blown away by the fact both segments empowered me, showed me my value, supported me as I released unfounded thought patterns and resulted in me launching a new, positive perspective. All this during Covid, if you can believe it. I didn’t think I had a story to tell, and found out I have many and, more importantly, made me feel more stories are ahead of me. Take the program and find out how valuable you truly are.”
I was so tired about hearing of COVID. I thought, you know that would probably take my mind off this COVID thing. I kind of liked that idea. When you get to be my age, it difficult to find interesting, new things to do. This is something I can do on my own, at home and will bring me satisfaction.